Choosing Citizenship Every Day

Choosing Citizenship Every Day

What Is the Role of a Green Card Lawyer?

Coming to the United States to live and work permanently is a dream for many individuals. One of the legal methods to achieve this dream is through obtaining a green card or permanent residency. However, navigating the complex and often confusing U.S. immigration process can be challenging, and having a green card lawyer can make a difference. In this blog post, we wi

A Guide to Obtaining a Green Card in the USA

Whether you're a student, a skilled worker, or a family member of a United States citizen, a green card is a golden ticket that offers you permanent residence in the country. As a nonimmigrant, obtaining a green card is a definite path toward a full-blown immigrant status in the United States. But it's also a strenuous task that requires significant paperwork and pati

Why You Should Hire A Lawyer If You Are Hiring A Foreign Professional For Your Business

It's a common practice among businesses to hire a foreign professional to work for their company, especially if they can't find the right fit within their own state or elsewhere in the country. Your business might be hiring professionals from overseas and are now in the process of applying for a visa for them. This can be a difficult process and it's possible your pot

How An Employment Immigration Attorney Can Simplify The Work Visa Process

If you plan on working in a foreign country as an immigrant, you'll need to secure a work visa. You'll have an easier time with this if you hire an employment immigration attorney. They can make things so much simpler for a couple of reasons. Break Down Your Rights Before you head on over to another country and start working on a visa, it's important to know your righ

Top Things You Should Know About Article 116 German Citizenship

If you are of German descent, there is a chance that you might have been denied your German citizenship due to the Nazi regime. If this is the case, then you could be wondering what you can do to restore your citizenship. If you have not yet heard of Article 116 in German law, now is a good time for you to educate yourself a little bit about it. Article 116 is a part